
Pocket Dimension Studios LLC

Pocket Dimension Studios is a one-man army specializing in bringing obscure and unique sci-fi designs to your tabletop games through digital design for at-home 3D printing.  This is my passion, so I print and paint everything I create before I sell it to ensure that you are getting a high quality, enjoyable product.

That's a mouthful, but what it really means is that I specialize in creating digital models and designs for 3D printing on consumer grade FDM and SLA/DLP resin printers.  And that I'm in this for the fun!  3D printing and painting is a passion of mine first and a business second.

PDS started in January of 2021 as an experiment and has since blossomed into an exciting new adventure!  Since starting I have moved from a sole proprietorship to an LLC, partnered with people across the globe to help print and distribute my designs, made bucket loads of friends, and started my own website!  


The One-Man Army

My name is Aaron, and I am the founder, modeler, graphic designer, painter, photographer, social media manager, website designer, accountant, engineer, and certified goofball behind Pocket Dimension Studios.

I got into this hobby of designing 3D printed work in 2018 and have been addicted ever since.  Pocket Dimension Studios is my way to share my designs with the world and help me develop and strengthen my favorite skills and hobbies.